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Event Schedule






Day 1

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Day 2
Day 3

What Attendees Say About Us

  • “If you put people from everywhere in the world into a box and shake it, only good stuff can come out […] the UR Forum had a really fantastic mixture of practitioners and scientists who had the time and the possibility to exchange ideas.”

    Community Member
  • “UR Forums offer the ability to connect with people with whom we wouldn’t normally connect; it gives us an opportunity to expand our network and explore opportunities of mutual interest.”

    UR2018 attendee
  • “The opportunity that the Understanding Risk Forum provides is instrumental in forming new contacts outside my field. These contacts will help us serve our clients and better manage their disaster and climate risk.”

    UR2016 attendee
  • “[The UR] atmosphere [was one] where people expect to be surprised and engaged in a different way; this form[ed] an important part of the success of the event.”

    UR community member