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Real-Time Disaster Assessment and Monitoring

December 2, 202215:30Florianopolis

Real-Time Disaster Assessment and Monitoring

As developers of SIRED, the disaster loss collection and evaluation system, SARC will discuss with key institutions the importance and impact of having risk management technological tools.
The panel will promote that each country where SIRED has been officially implemented, can share their experience, obstacles and benefits obtained by the incorporation of SIRED.
We will discuss with CEPREDENAC the value of SIRED and the benefit of using it to determine the impact of major natural disasters at the regional level.
We will include Mexico’s experience in the development of FONDEN Online System as a technological tool for damage assessment as well as the premises on which its regulatory framework was based, where the use of the damage collection system is mandatory in order to access budgetary resources for the reconstruction of assets.


Rodrigo Reynoso Wilde

Chief Executive Officer / SARC Consultoría en Análisis de Riesgos

Francisco Álvarez

Director of Investments, Concessions and State Risks / DICRE Panama

Claudia Herrera Melgar

Executive Secretary / Coordination Center for Disaster Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic (CEPREDENAC)

José Sergio Martínez Santana

Deputy General Director of Insurance and Surety Bonding - USPSS / Ministry of Finance and Public Credit

Ana Sofia Estrada Mejía

Design, Training and communication consultant / SARC

Osmar Velasco


Yazmin Charrez Quezada

Consultora de Tecnologías de la Información y Gestión de Desastres Naturales

Event Info

  • Florianopolis

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