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UR22 Agenda

Plenaries & Keynotes


UR22 Opening Ceremony

November 28, 2022Florianopolis
Emiliano Rodriguez Nuesch
Fernanda Carvalho
Alexandre Lucas Alves
Johannes Zutt
Topázio Silveira Neto

Risk: What Do We Really Need to Know to Take Action

November 29, 2022Florianopolis
Rafael Melara
Hon Dr. Renato Solidum, Jr.
Nicolas Pondard
Shanna N. McClain

Risk in the Era of Digital Platforms

November 30, 2022Florianopolis
Lisa Robinson
Thomas Lehmann
Lauren Devoll

Governments: How Are We Making Risk Informed Decisions

November 30, 2022Florianopolis
Frederico Rudorff
Anil Pokhrel
Ramon Soto
Claudia Herrera Melgar

Money Talks: The Risk of Not Knowing Your Risk

November 30, 2022Florianopolis
Pak Maliki
Wayne Girard
Roberto Ramirez Alvarenga
Mirtha Escobar

Leveraging AI for Social Impact @ LATAM

November 30, 2022Florianopolis
Sella Nevo
Newton Neto

UR22 Closing Ceremony

November 30, 2022Florianopolis
Araújo Gomes
Paula Padrino Vilela

Full Agenda

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

UR22 Opening Ceremony

Emiliano Rodriguez Nuesch
Fernanda Carvalho
Alexandre Lucas Alves
Johannes Zutt
Topázio Silveira Neto

UR22 Satellite Hubs

London Sessions

Niamey Sessions

Vancouver Sessions

Wellington Sessions

UR22 Interviews

Pak Maliki

Enhancing adaptive social protection in Indonesia

By Asha Williams

Michelle Forbes

Comprehensive disaster risk management

By Naraya Carrasco

Thomas Lehmann and Handemba Mutana

The importance of partnerships

By Ivelisse Justiniano

Shanna McClain, PhD

The transition from data to decisions

By Daniela Peña Lazaro

What Attendees Say About Us

  • “If you put people from everywhere in the world into a box and shake it, only good stuff can come out […] the UR Forum had a really fantastic mixture of practitioners and scientists who had the time and the possibility to exchange ideas.”

    Community Member
  • “UR Forums offer the ability to connect with people with whom we wouldn’t normally connect; it gives us an opportunity to expand our network and explore opportunities of mutual interest.”

    UR2018 attendee
  • “The opportunity that the Understanding Risk Forum provides is instrumental in forming new contacts outside my field. These contacts will help us serve our clients and better manage their disaster and climate risk.”

    UR2016 attendee
  • “[The UR] atmosphere [was one] where people expect to be surprised and engaged in a different way; this form[ed] an important part of the success of the event.”

    UR community member