Assessment Fatigue? Leveraging Inter-Sectoral Data and Investments for Resilient Health Systems

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Assessment Fatigue? Leveraging Inter-Sectoral Data and Investments for Resilient Health Systems

How can health system resilience to shocks be enhanced through cross-sectoral collaborations? Strengthening partnerships with sectors such as disaster risk management (DRM), energy, water, and transport can lead to the development of innovative strategies that maximize the impact of limited resources in the face of disaster-related threats. Health systems depend on lifeline infrastructure to ensure the delivery and continuity of essential services. This dependence crates a landscape where various risk and gap assessments overlap across different sectors. In practice there is no single actor that can comprehensively address all facets of risk exposure and vulnerabilities due to the myriad of concurrent and competing priorities.Leveraging cross-sectoral knowledge and collaborations can help to improve health system planning, facility upgrading, and emergency preparedness and response based on evolving risk exposures and vulnerabilities of people and infrastructure while minimize the need for additional assessments. Thus, the strategic use of knowledge and data across sectors can help strengthen the disaster resilience of the health sector. We learn from successful country implementation cases and show how existing information can be the basis for innovative data-informed decision-making maximizing the impact of resilient investments. The session starts with technical presentations highlighting different organizational approaches, followed by a high level panel discussion with distinguished global leaders at the frontline of health resilience against climate and disasters.

Organized by: GFDRR/World Bank

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Takahiro Tsuda

Multilateral Development Banks Division, International Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan

Yoshiki Toyokuni

DMAT Secretariat

Virginia Murray

UK Health Security Agency

Vilma Cabrera

National Household Targeting System, Philippines

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