The Serious Matter of Gamifying Disaster Risk Financing
Governments around the world are facing greater pressure on fiscal space with increases in climate impacts and more funds being spent on disaster response. Supporting governments to do this cost effectively is a service many IFIs offer, but conveying technical concepts in capacity building workshops can be tedious and ineffective. Using proven learning methodologies to increase uptake of complex ideas, Hurricane Hurry is an interactive game experience that simulates disaster risk financing (DRF) decision-making in complex environments – for example, after a flood hits, when resources are limited, and the pressure is on to act quickly. The World Bank has used this game in workshops with government officials, disaster management practitioners, and academics across the world to convey key DRF concepts and instruments in a provocative, fun and memorable way. This session will help you to become more familiar with DRF instruments, experience the choices and dilemmas that stakeholders feel when making decisions, and learn about non-traditional approaches to communicating complex information.
Organized by: GFDRR/World Bank