How Can Japan Contribute to Anticipatory Action and Early Warnings for All?: Introducing Cross-Sector Initiatives

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How Can Japan Contribute to Anticipatory Action and Early Warnings for All?: Introducing Cross-Sector Initiatives

With the launch of the “Early Warnings for All” initiative in 2022, we stand at a pivotal stage in gathering momentum and advocating for early warning and anticipatory action (AA). With its disaster experiences, Japan has developed and extensively integrated early warning systems (EWS) over the years. The Japanese government established a public-private council for EWS last year to disseminate EWS in the Asia-Pacific region and is organizing consultations where government officials and private companies exchange views on how and where to apply those companies’ relevant products and services. JCC-DRR, a civil society network in Japan, meanwhile, conducted research on EWS in Japan and created a proposal for effective dissemination in different countries. JCC-DRR is currently joining the public-private council as an observer. All of these activities are unique and expected to provide lessons for other countries. In the session, speakers from diverse perspectives, including those from the council, NGOs and academia, share how Japan has harnessed and evaluated AA and EWS. Speakers will also discuss challenges in advancing the integration of EWS and AA in local communities in Japan and beyond. Finally, the session suggests meaningful multistakeholder collaboration in achieving “Early Warnings for All.”

Organized by: Japan CSO Coalition for Disaster Risk Reduction (JCC-DRR)


Yoshiyuki Yagiri


Nobuyuki Asai

Soka Gakkai International

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