Charles Kalemba is the Commissioner of Disaster Management Affairs in the Office of the President and Cabinet. Prior to this role, he was Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government, the Director of Rural Development in the Ministry of Local Government, Chief Executive Officer Lilongwe City Council, Chief Executive Officer Zomba City Council, the District Commissioner for Blantyre, Salima, Lilongwe, Dowa and Kasungu. He also served as Director of Planning and Development for Nkhata-Bay District council. Kalemba was among the team that formulated the decentralization policy and the current Local Government Act during the transition from one party state to multi-party dispensation from 1993-1998. He also worked as a secondary school science teacher from 1991-1993. His major professional undertakings include coordination and implementation of participatory training and research, General Community Project Management, Production of District Socio-Economic Profile and District Development Plan for Nkhata-Bay district and Evaluation of UNDP/UNCDF and GOM Local Governance and Development Management Programme. He holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Development from University of Manchester (Institute of Development Policy and Management), and a Bachelors degree in Education Science from the University of Malawi (Chancellor College).