Consultant for DRR in mountainous areasAfter the studies of Geography at Bern University (Diploma thesis: Influence of hydraulic works on floods and sediment budget in Emmental rivers, Switzerland), Dr. Christoph Lehmann worked as assistant of professor at the Geographical Institute of Bern University with main focus on sediment transport, river and torrent morphology and natural disasters. During this time, with complementary studies at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (hydrology, hydraulic works, slope stabilization, soil- and rock mechanics), he wrote his Ph.D. thesis about the assessment of sediment budget in mountain streams.Later, he worked as senior research officer for the Swiss Hydrological Survey, mainly for: - Modeling and observation of discharge and sediment transport in mountain streams. - Analysis of flood events and other natural disasters.- Consulting for implementation of hydraulic works.- Publications in the field of sediment assessment and observation networks. - Carrying through of work shops and training courses in river morphology, assessment of sediment transport and hydrology. He has 40 years of job experience, and he has now been working for 25 years as an independent consultant for disaster prevention, hydrology and hydraulic works. The main activities are: - Consultant for flood prevention strategies for communities and private engineering offices.- Flood analysis.- Elaboration of hazard maps.- Discharge and sediment assessments for flood protection projects. Besides many publications, he has worked and presented his work in many countries, like Argentina, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nepal, North Macedonia Pakistan and Tajikistan.