Clinton Carlson is Robert P. Sedlack, Jr. Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. He is an affiliate faculty in the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society and Notre Dame’s Sports Media and Culture program. He is the Design Area Head of Visual Communication Design in the Department of Art, Art History and Design. With professor Rodrigo Ramirez (UC Chile) they founded Design 4 Emergency, a collaborative project seeking to understand how communities, organizations, and systems might be more resilient in the face of emergencies. Carlson has an MDES in Visual Communication Design from the University of Alberta, Canada. His research applies community-activated design methods in micro-community settings for sustainable, community-led change at local and national scales. He has worked with numerous for-profit and nonprofit organizations such as AT&T, Airtel, Toyota Racing, Intel, McGraw-Hill, World Vision, CARE, Compassion International, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.