Project Manager of the Housing Recovery Project and Senior Engineer
Dr Genora Joseph is currently the Project Manager of the Housing Recovery Project, and Senior Engineer of the Government’s Major Capital Projects Office, she was Senior Engineer at the recently dissolved Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica, CREAD. Her work is heavily concentrated on project management of major infrastructure projects aimed at reducing Dominica’s Climate Change Vulnerability and achieving the country’s CRRP (Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan)2020-2030 key result of well-planned and durable infrastructure. She is a past Chief Physical Planner of Dominica and served as President of the Dominica Association of Professional Engineers. She is a registered Civil and Environmental Engineer, with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus. She obtained both her Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Environmental Engineering from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Dr Joseph has worked in academia and industry in the UK as an Aerodynamics Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham and a Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer at the University of Nottingham/A1 Flue Systems. She has worked on substantial wind engineering and aerodynamics research projects in the UK, China, and Mexico and published papers on air quality modelling, computational fluid dynamics, crop aerodynamics and most recently collaborated with the US Army Corps of Engineers and other experts in Climate Resilience to publish a book chapter and Journal paper on Climate Resilience and Adaptation in Small Island Developing States. Dr Joseph would like to see an increase in the momentum of partnerships between SIDS like Dominica and Development Partners so that these vulnerable states are propelled more rapidly towards their climate resilience targets.