Lead Disaster Risk Analyst/Consultant
Dr.-Ing. James Daniell is a John Monash Scholar. He is a geophysicist, geologist and civil engineer specialising in global stochastic and real-time risk modelling; as well as global data analytics, exposure and socioeconomic models. He works on various projects as a Lead Disaster Risk Analyst within the World Bank/GFDRR globally working on rapid damage estimation after catastrophes, Country Disaster Risk Profiles and other risk models in many locations, as well as on open source software.
He has also built many stochastic risk models and software packages for earthquake, flood and many other hazards for various entities including insurers, reinsurers, universities and other companies as well as CATDAT, a global database of natural disaster socio-economic losses, historic global modelling and event metrics as part of his work at Risklayer GmbH, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology over the last 15 years.