Jean-Christophe Bonis is a futurist, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and writer, recognized in 2019 as one of the most influential French experts in the field of artificial intelligence across the planet. He is passionate about technology and all of his life connecting innovations with people.
In March 2022, as a response to the war in Ukraine, he established the NNGO Team4UA and the fundraising structure HIT
(Humanitarian Innovative Technologies).
Team4UA is a humanitarian foundation with a mission to
introduce disruptive technologies into humanitarian emergency
response. Together with invited tech entrepreneurs from all over
the world Jean-Christophe Bonis launched an informational
center for refugee support and started delivering humanitarian
aid across Ukraine in partnership with UN World Food Programme, UNICEF, Mercy Corps, FCDO.
In May 2022, he initiated the 3D printing of the school building
in Lviv which is starting in April 2023. It will be the first school
in Ukraine built with 3D technologies. Later on, Team4UA plans to
scale this technology and rebuild destroyed houses and buildings all over the country.