World Bank Senior Consultant and Coordinator of Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Preparedness Project (ISMEP) project
Since 2006, he is the Coordinator of Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Preparedness Project (ISMEP) project, which is funded by several investment banks. He also works as a DRM and ICT Consultant for the World Bank in resiliency projects which aim to build & enhance the capacity of the public institutions by designing and implementing resilient and sustainable high available telecommunication and information technologies’ (ICT) infrastructure, by building new Command Control and Coordination Centers (C4/EOC) and through procurement of specialized technical equipment.
He has taken roles in designing, operationalizing and auditing several C4/EOC projects in Türkiye, South Asia and ECA region in different World Bank projects. Three C4/EOCs with redundant ICT infrastructure in Istanbul are early and big scale examples of his worldwide EOC projects.
He holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Istanbul Technical University and Executive MBA from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.
He is based in Istanbul, Türkiye and has focus on mobile communication network design and ICT critical infrastructure resiliency with professional experience in public & private ICT sectors more than 30 years in Türkiye and abroad.