Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell was appointed by PresidentJoseph Biden as the U.S. Fire Administrator onOctober 25, 2021. Prior to her appointment, Loriserved nearly 3 years as the President and CEO ofthe International Public Safety Data Institute (IPSDI),which she founded after retiring from a 26-year tenure as a seniorexecutive in the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Shebegan her fire service career in 1987 as a fire department paramedic in theCity of Memphis Fire Department, Memphis Tennessee. Lori is a Doctor ofPublic Health and data scientist, whose work has changed fire and EMSdeployment throughout the world. As the principal investigator and seniorproject manager, she oversaw the development of landmark reports andother tools to improve residential and high-rise fireground operations,community risk assessment, fire and EMS resource deployment, and “BigData Analytics”. Her work continues to influence executive decision-makingacross the fire service.