Mr. Luis Fernando Estrada Chavarría is an Administrative Assistant, with more than seventeen years of working experience for the municipality of Turrialba in Costa Rica. Since 2012 he has been in charge of the Office of Risk Management and Emergency Attention of the Municipality of Turrialba. He supports in the elaboration of risk matrices for reconstruction projects by emergency decrees in the Canton of Turrialba with different institutions.
He has enough experience in the elaboration of contingency plans for the evacuation of the Turrialba Volcano and the contingency plan for the flooding of the Turrialba River and its respective Early Warning Systems.
He holds a Technical Diploma in Integral Risk Management since 2016 given by El Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres de México (CENAPRED) through its Escuela Nacional de Protección Civil (ENAPROC).