Dr. Md. Shah Kamal Khan is a Bangladesh Civil Service Cadre Officer working as Project Director for Agrometeorological Information Systems Development Project in the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) under the ministry of Agriculture of The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He has more than 25 years working experience in agro-meteorology, climate smart agriculture (CSA), agricultural extension, plant protection, food and nutrition sector in Bangladesh and abroad. He has ample experiences in all sectors of agriculture including Education, Research and Extension. He has 19 research papers published in different national and international reputed journals. He has obtained “DANIDA Fellowship” given by the DANIDA, Denmark; “NFP Fellowship” given by the Government of Netherlands; “UW Fellowship” given by the University of Washington, USA and “National Science and Technology (NST) Fellowship” given by the Bangladesh Government. He is the winner of “Agri and Farming Award-2023”. It was his honor to visit NASA, USA with their invitation for collaboration.