Born in Kumamoto City, Japan in 1958. Ms. HIRANO graduated from Tsuda University with a degree in International Relations in 1982. She became paraplegic in 1988 after a spinal tumor operation. Ms. HIRANO participated in the Duskin Overseas Scholarship Program in the United States (1990-1991). Her main objective was to research and understand how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was established and how the inclusive education was implemented. Returning to Kumamoto in 1991, she co-founded Human Network Kumamoto, a Center for Independent Living, to empower individuals with disabilities. Her dedication to advocacy continued with a successful 17-year run on the Kumamoto Prefectural Assembly (1997-2014). Since 2014, Ms. HIRANO has served as chairperson of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI) Japan.