Visiting Professor, The University of TokyoSenior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency Board Director, Japan Water ForumMikio Ishiwatari has been engaged in projects and research works of disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, peace building, and water. He led the formulation of the Japanese assistance policies of climate change adaptation and community-based disaster management. He worked at the World Bank as Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist and produced the “Learning from Megadisaster: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake”. He worked at various positions at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Japan for 17 years. He formulated and supervised the national projects of flood risk management and highways in Iwami District as Director of Hamada River and Road Office and was responsible for research and technology development as Senior Deputy Director for River Technology and Information. He worked as Urban Development Specialist at the Asian Development Bank. He holds a PhD in international studies and MSc in urban engineering from the University of Tokyo.