Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Naraya Carrasco joined the Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience & Land Global Practice on July 1, 2020. She is based on Haiti to focus DRM and urban development programs.Naraya has more than 14 years of experience in DRM and in mainstreaming resilience across sectors, both at the policy and project levels. During a secondment with GFDRR, Naraya co-led the establishment and management of the $15 million single-donor trust fund Canada-Caribbean Resilience Facility. This Facility helps Caribbean islands to implement recovery and resilience projects.She was technical manager of the Resilience to Climate Change window of GFDRR and led the organization of annual meetings of the SISRI Practitioners’ Network (Venice 2016, Cancun 2017, Mexico 2018, Geneva 2019). These meetings brought together up to 80 government officials from various island states to share best practices on DRM.Naraya also provided implementation cross-support for an Investment Project Financing focusing on risk reduction in coastal areas under the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program in Sao Tome and Principe. She cross-supported Cameroon operations to help the government there integrate DRM and climate change adaptation (CCA) into planning processes.Before joining GFDRR, Naraya was Program Manager for DRM and CCA at the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation. She also worked for the Swiss Humanitarian Aid in the Asia and Americas Division. Naraya has a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Polytechnic, Zurich) and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering (Swiss Federal Polytechnic, Lausanne).