Netai Dey Sarker is a director at the Department of Disaster Management (DDM), Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR), Government of Bangladesh with more than 25 years’ experience in disaster risk management and emergency response. He is also working as Project Coordinator (PC) of PROVATI Project-DDM Component: Development of Local Flood Early Warning and Dissemination System and as National Project Coordinator (NPC) of Increasing Capacities and Scale for Anticipatory Action including through Social Protection Systems is being implemented by FAO. He obtained his MSc. in Geography from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, his Master of Disaster Mitigation (MDM) from National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan, his Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Tsunami Disaster Mitigation from International Institute for Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IISEE), Japan and completed a Post Graduate Course (MSc. Part) in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Environmental Assessment (EA) in Spatial Planning from ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands. He is a Member of the Board of Governors at National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (NOAMI), Bangladesh and a member of several Expert Groups/Technical Advisory Committees for Disaster Risk Management in the country and regional forum. He has acted as supervisor and co-supervisor for number of BSc. and MSc. students and has published couple of publications in internationally reputed journals.