Dr. Ramesh Guragain, working as a Deputy Executive Director at National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) has PhD on Earthquake Engineering from The University of Tokyo. He joined NSET in 1999 and working in the field of disaster risk management since then. The countries of working experience are mainly in Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Iran, Agfhanistan and shortly in other countries in South/south-east Asia. Earthquake risk assessment of buildings, infrastructures and urban/rural settlements in Nepal and the south Asian region is one of the major program areas that Ramesh is leading from NSET in recent years. Development of Risk Sensitive Land Use planning Framework for local governments in Nepal; implementation of School Earthquake Safety Program in 100s of schools; Building Code Implementation Program in more than 50 municipalities; Disaster Risk Assessment of 20 major hospitals in Nepal; implementation of seismic retrofitting program in selected public and private buildings in Bhutan; development of fragility functions for non-engineered buildings in Bangladesh; earthquake risk assessment of five different cities in Nepal; three cities in Pakistan, and nine cities in Bangladesh are some of the major activities related to this area that NSET implemented in his leadership. He has also led a team of professionals at NSET for development of several training curricula on Disaster risk management.