Roberto Rudari has a Master Degree in Hydraulic Engineer at the Univ. of Genova (1998). Developed his Master Thesis at the Free University of Brussels (VUB), (1997-1998). He obtained a Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineer at University of Padova (2002) and was Visiting Ph. D. at MIT – R.M. Parsons Lab. (2000-2001). He won a Post-Doc position at University of Genova (2003-2004) before becoming Researcher at the National Research Council, Perugia (2004-2006). After that he moved back to a Research position at University of Genova (2006-2008). Roberto Rudari is currently Research Director and Project Leader at CIMA Research Foundation (2008-Present). He is part of the Steering Committee of the Global Flood Partnership (www.globalfloodpartnership.org). He is senior consultant for the Associated Program on Flood Management of WMO. Roberto Rudari has more than 20 years’ experience in risk Assessment models and Civil protection applications including EWS. He developed his research and operative experience in hydrologic and hydraulic field. Major studies were devoted to the processes able to shape natural drainage networks and to the aspects, which favour flood formation (basin geomorphology). Climate and weather predictability in Europe were the topics of the Ph.D. thesis. Parallel to these topics interest was directed to the study of non-linear systems and their predictability, multidimensional statistical problems in high-dimensional phase space, fractal mathematics. Current lines of research regard continuous and distributed hydrologic modelling assisted by satellite and remotely sensed information, the characterization of join probability distributions of land effects and vulnerability estimation to flood events, the improvement of combined hydro-meteorological forecast systems based on probabilistic concepts. Latest developments in research are also devoted to the use of global and globally applicable models to evaluate risk in a probabilistic sense in order to develop quantitative information for informed decision making, multi-hazard risk evaluations and vulnerability assessment. In this field he was responsible for the Global Flood model for GAR 2015 and for Global Flood and Drought model in the development of GIRI (Global Infrastructure resilience Index) for CDRI.