In the last several years, he is UNDP’s technical lead on climate loss and damage agenda representing the organization in related policy forum and providing technical advisory services to Country Offices. From 2005-2011, he was the Programme Coordinator of UNDP’s Regional Programme on Capacity Development for Tsunami affected countries. This programme helped established a multi stakeholder end to end early warning systems in the Indian Ocean and the long running community and school preparedness in at least 20 countries in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Prior to assuming the Senior Adviser and Team Leader post at the Bangkok Regional Hub in 2014, Sanny Jegillos was the Regional Disaster Reduction Adviser and Practice Coordinator for UNDP’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery in Asia-Pacific Regional Centre in Thailand since 2012. Mr. Jegillos has more than 35 years of progressive professional experience in risk reduction and recovery in the Asian region. He worked on corporate philanthropy and social development with the Philippine Business for Social Progress (Philippines); as Programme Coordinator for Learning and Professional Development at the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand); as Consultant/Advisor to governments and NGOs such as with the Bangladesh Cyclone Preparedness Programme. He has developed and conducted international training courses, managed and coordinated regional projects and lead in innovation application and partnership with the private sector. He also provides technical and policy advisory services to UNDP Country Offices and International Non-Government Agencies in strategic and programme planning and capacity development in building resilience, disaster risk management, recovery and digital transformation in DRR. He has extensive work experience in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Philippines, Maldives, Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam. He has completed an undergraduate degree in engineering (Philippines) and masters in emergency management (Australia).