Shubharoop Ghosh is the Vice President of Data Services at ImageCat, Inc., a risk management technology company specializing in the development and use of advanced technologies for risk assessment and reduction. Mr. Ghosh is an Urban and Policy Planner with a focus on climate related and natural disaster risk and is responsible for managing ImageCat’s diverse portfolio of data products and services, including US and international inventory databases, 3D-City models, PDQ, and an extensive library of remote sensing and field-based natural hazard damage data. He has participated and coordinated various activities after several major disaster events in the United States and across the globe including: the 2012 hurricane Sandy, remote sensing and damage assessment mission after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2010 Chilean earthquake, and 2005 hurricane Katrina to investigate the effects of the hurricane in the Gulf coast. He has been a reviewer of Natural Hazards Review, a cross-disciplinary journal that brings together engineering, policy, social and physical sciences to natural hazards loss and cost reduction. Mr. Ghosh has a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Southern California’s (USC) Price School of Public Policy.